“Play For Dave”


Dave Peltz 

 April 9, 1959 - July 22, 2020

“Give the game everything you have and play as if it were your last!”

Dave Peltz Co-Founder of Delta Sports Performance died July 22, 2020 from an Obstructive Hydrocephalus due to an Intraventricular Glioblastoma Multiforme. In regular speech, it means Dave died after having brain surgery to determine if shadowing that was discovered in his ventricle was a malignant tumor. We believe Dave had his prayers answered that day, after it was determined that the shadowing was a rare, inoperable, malignant Intraventricular Glioblastoma Multiforme which has a 95% fatality rate. The Delta Family quickly transitioned from an MRI reading July 7th, 2020 showing shadowing and potential for a tiny tumor to his death July 22, 2020.

Dave was known to many as a coach, mentor, friend, brother, son, husband and father. His outgoing personality, captivating stories, ability to understand and connect with others as well as amazing generosity were all traits that touched many lives. Dave had a passion and zeal that was contagious. He was relentless in pursuit of his dreams and had a wonderful sense of humor. Dave never had a bad word to say about anyone and dedicated his time to making the world better for those who knew him. The world is a better place because Dave Peltz was here.

It was Dave’s dream that Delta Sports Performance become a place that builds working relationships with athletes of all ages to help them achieve their own personal goals, success, and dreams in their chosen athletics. So here at Delta Sports Performance we “Play for Dave''  every year and we fundraise for the Dave Peltz Memorial Fund. A fund aimed at helping underprivileged athletes achieve their dreams. 

Dave believed both players and their families were a part of something bigger. He believed that the Delta Experience should be considered one big family. As we continue his dream and legacy it is our goal to continue the family mentality. We “Dare to Dream” as Dave would say, to continue what he started and work hard to make every athlete the best they can be.